Nuestra misión es evaluar las necesidades de las comunidades globales, y trabajar con líderes residentes para proporcionar recursos, herramientas y educación para el éxito.
The crown collective

Estado de la misión:
Hacer que los alimentos nutritivos saludables sean accesibles y asequibles en la comunidad a través de educación y permacultura.
We support artists, musicians, and motivational speakers who aim to build a better world.
The educational experiences, opportunities, and impact that result from the Queen and King changemakers of today enrich the lives of their communities as well as their global family around the world.
The Crown Collective is a non profit non exclusive support agency created
to support independent impact makers along with local communities and their opportunties.

Featured Artist: Elele Tiana
As a composer, performer, and music director, I am honored to serve my musical medicine.
The music I share is rooted in my love for the expressions of my humanity. Growing up in a multi-generational musical family, it's within my lineage to express the vibration of love for life through the instruments I play and the songs I sing. As a five year old I began with the Piano, and found my soul soothed by my ancestral roots which led me to the ukulele.
This communion with my roots supported my personal journey to heal on a level that I am now sharing through my musical experiences.
My styles range from Island & Roots Reggae to Soulful Funk & Conscious Lyrics. My work in the studio has brought me a Grammy nomination, along with multiple Hoku nominations (Hawaiian Grammy Awards).
I am blessed to empower my community through music by directing women's chorus and teaching voice lessons in trade for baskets of food from their farms. Coming from humble beginnings myself this way of giving back profoundly uplifts me knowing I can now support others find a creative outlet for their personal healing journey with music.