Naszą misją jest ocena potrzeb globalnych społeczności, oraz współpracować z lokalnymi liderami, aby zapewnić zasoby, narzędzia i edukację, aby osiągnąć sukces.
Aby zdrowa żywność była dostępna i przystępna cenowo w społeczności poprzez: edukacja i permakultura.
Microgreens story
The challenges that we face as a nation are piling up. Issues such as economic instability, access to fresh produce due to food deserts, food supply shortages, and the demands of every day life make it difficult for families to get the nutrition they need.
Our solution addressing these issues: make growing fresh produce accessible with education, outreach, tools and seeds.
Microgreens, a type of vegetable that takes between 7-10 days to harvest after planting. They are fast growing, economical when cultivated, nutritious and they grow well indoors when given enough sunlight and ventilation - even on a small countertop!
Outdoor gardens
Designed according to the landscape and soil type, the rainbow garden merges functionality with artistic flare. At the farm, we are practicing no-till gardening in order to preserve soil life as much as possible. Plants growing include: Sorghum, pineapple, beans, peanuts, kenaf and carrots. Around the farm we are growing a wide variety of fruit trees.
Aloha Gardens supports other farms and gardens as well to increase the food security of the Hawaiian Islands.