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Little Free Libraries


Опис місії:

Зробити здорове харчування доступним і доступним у суспільстві  освіта та пермакультура. 

Our Motivation

A growing body of evidence shows that early learning experiences are linked with later school achievement, emotional and social well-being, fewer grade retentions, and reduced incidences of juvenile delinquency and that these outcomes are all factors associated with later adult productivity. As stewards of youth opportunity,it is our kuleana (responsibility) to provide easy and fun ways for our community ohana (families) to experience literacy learning together. 

In 2021, we launched a nationwide campaign to fundraise for the cost of the official Little Free Library.  By selling Microgreens grow kits which provided families with nurturing experiences, global support poured in to help support free and creative literacy to East Hawaii children and we were able to order an official 2 story Little Free Library. 

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By partnering with the county by sharing our vision, we began offering opportunities for keiki to benefit from the library. By supporting events at various parks around the island, with Little Free Library pop ups, we have distributed over a thousand books just since Fall of 2022.

That was made possible by global donors like Hilo Public Library, Keaau Public Library, Pahoa District Park, Pana'ewa Zoo, 2nd and 7, First Book, and community members of Hawaii island.

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In the summer of 2023, our partnership with the Dept. of Parks & Rec resulted in the new space for the Library: the Pana'ewa Rainforest Zoo Playground Pavilion. Currently, a mural and shelf are undergoing installation phases. Check back for the debut date!

book giveaways & LIteracy circles

Another way to assist literacy on our island is by hosting events! You can have a book donation gathering, circle time experience, or even fundraise for new books to share with our community!

Book Donation Stations: Pana'ewa Zoo Gift Shop / By appt: Pahoa Town Longs, Kona 

Upcoming events

October 29th: Boo @ the Zoo Aloha Kids Circle Time

4:15pm  Pana'ewa Zoo

Participants will receive a brand new hardcover book for attending Circle Time! Community keiki who check out our booth at the zoo from 4-6 pm will receive a book shared by an organization, family or individual on our island. 

Thank you to our island wide book donors:

Friends of Hilo Library, Hilo Public Library,

Everyday Hero Project, First Book 


our latest literacy hero

Recently, we got a message from a mother whose 5 year old daughter has been looking for her first service project to get involved with.  We are so excited to feature this little girl for her deep dive into service at such a young age! She has been collecting books and will be giving away books sometime during Boo at the Zoo on the 29th! Here's a message from this amazing young lady!

My name is Patience Kamahele and I’m your Royal International Miss Hawaii Princess 2024. I am in kindergarten and I enjoy going to the library and looking through all the books. But my favorite is silly animal books.
Mahalo Everyday Hero Project for letting me be apart of this amazing book event and for all that you do for the children and community.


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